Durable and practical self-leveling floors

When it comes to repairing a bathroom or toilet, the owner thinks about which floors are best. After all, they should be not only beautiful, but also durable, not afraid of humidity and easy to wash, and it is also desirable to do everything yourself without involving a specialist.There is a type of floor where you need to make a formwork, mix a ready-made solution or mixture with glue or water, mix and pour. As a result, you will get everything that is described above. These are polymer, self-leveling self-leveling floors.Self - leveling floors are divided into several types:- based on epoxy resin;- based on methyl methacrite resins;- acrylic - cement mixtures;- based on polyurethane.Each of the types of sexes has its own properties, both positive and negative. If, for example, floors made of methyl methacrylic resins harden after two hours, it takes at least seventy-two hours for epoxy floors. Also, epoxy resin floors create a less elastic coating and are more affected by temperatures.In general, when choosing the type of floor, you need to take into account what properties they should have. Most often, self-leveling floors are used where covering large areas is required: supermarkets, office buildings, factory sites and laboratories. It can be used in domestic premises and apartments.These floors do not emit harmful substances into the air, are wear-resistant, are not afraid of humidity and do not create dust. They are easy to clean and can be cleaned by mechanical means.Floors consist of two or more layers. The bottom layer is the base, it must be aligned horizontally. The base usually has an epoxy impregnation, fiberglass is used for additional strengthening. The top layer is filled with small irregularities, due to it the floor gets a perfectly smooth surface. It includes a dye, fine quartz sand and other ingredients. This decorative layer spreads over the surface and gives a smooth, seamless coating.The main thing is to maintain the technology of the process of pouring floors. At low temperatures, there is a slowdown in the spreading of the solution, which can affect the deterioration of the appearance of the floors. Humidity is also important. The concrete on which the floor will be laid must have an exposure time of at least 28 days and a humidity of less than 4%.A primer is applied to the prepared concrete surface, if necessary, irregularities and cracks are putty before the soil. The first layer is applied - the base, after the desired exposure, the second - the paint. You can add a layer of wear-resistant varnish.As a result of these small efforts, you will get a beautiful, wear-resistant floor. By the way, among the designs of self-leveling floors there are three-dimensional images that will make your bathroom original and exclusive. Instead of drawings, visual effects are often used, on a glossy floor you seem to be walking on water, semi-matte ones - on a cloud. There are some that do not reflect light, completely opaque.If you use glitter - shiny particles, in the form of squares, snowflakes, stars, then a festive mood is created from the sparkling floor. The use of phosphor creates a fantastic effect of a glowing floor in semi-darkness. The phosphor gains light energy during the light day and in the evening your floor begins to glow.As a conclusion, we can name the positive characteristics of self-leveling floors:- resistance to abrasion, shock and vibration;- durability up to 15 years is guaranteed;- environmental friendliness and dust-free, perfectly washable with any chemically active substances;- no seams;- can be serviced by mechanical washing mechanisms;- a wealth of design solutions from polishing, to 3-D drawings;- fire safety and no sparks on impact (this applies more to industrial premises);- quick and easy installation. Die besten Online Casinos in der Schweiz werden von der gesamten weltweiten Glücksspielszene um ihre Vielfalt an Spielen beneidet: Spielautomaten, Tischspiele, Live Casinos und sogar Spielshows. Siehe hier www.swisscasino24.com/ Es ist fast unmöglich, dass eine Person alle Anbieter, Produkte und Software, die den Schweizer Glücksspielern zur Verfügung stehen, gleichzeitig kennen kann. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass Sie unsere Website als Ort für Vergleiche, umfassende Bewertungen, Glücksspielführer, Empfehlungen für die besten Online Casinos.
