On the crest of Freudenberg, the concrete buildings of the Enge and Freudenberg high schools (Kantonsschulen) can be seen through the treetops. The hilly elevation of the terrain formed by the Linth glacier still today characterizes the grounds. The densely wooded areas that surround the buildings almost symbiotically additionally super-elevate the marked terrain modelling.
As you enter the grounds, winding paths lead through the park and merge with the orthogonal system of pathways the more closely that you approach the school buildings. The uniform asphalt-paved paths are edged with granite. They lead to the entrances to the lower level and to the generously sized concrete ramps and stairways up to the upper level and to the school yard between the buildings of the Freudenberg and Enge high schools.
The care report for the protected historical garden monument deals with the grounds as a whole and formulates care guidelines for the terrain, the vegetation, and the large trees as well as for the pathways and courtyards and outdoor furnishings. The report describes measures, formulates guiding principles and outlines needs for action that are intended to safeguard the grounds in the future.
Expert’s report