We are very pleased that our design proposal on the team Scheidegger Keller Architects for the Sennhauserweg new construction and the restoration of Carmenstrasse 10 was selected by the Stadtverband der Reformierten Kirche Zürich [city association of the Reformed Church Zurich] for further development and execution.
The existing parsonage garden is in tune with the spirit of the neighbourhood and forms a strong unity of design with the building. A garden path accompanying the frontage leads around the parsonage. At different path corners, a garden space will be added with one solitary tree towering over it. Around the path and the garden spaces, thick edge plantings create the intimacy needed in the garden. The built elements of the garden area are very atmospheric and require only gentle repair. The new construction sits like a neighbouring building in the middle of the garden area and is accessed on the side by a small forecourt. The tree and edge plantings form a filter between the existing buildings and the new building. The greenery flowing through the space will be retained, and the green street scene with lush perimeter plantings of strong, decorative shrubs along the boundaries will be reinforced. The edge planting helps to safeguard the private sphere between the flats and the parsonage. All of the flats have views into the depths of the garden space, so that density and distance alternate in the perception of the residents.
You are cordially invited to an exhibition of all entries to the selective project competition.
5–14 June 2018, weekdays 2:00–5:30 p.m.
Foyer Kirchgemeindezentrum Hottingen
Asylstrasse 36
8032 Zurich